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I’ve seen a few bloggers write this type of post over the last week and so even though I’ve already written about my plans for the year I thought I’d be a bit more specific about some of the things I want to do in 2020 and think about how to achieve them.
I love a list but I also don’t like rules so even though I would love to get to the end of the year and have been able to tick the majority of these things off I don’t want to feel bad if I haven’t.
20 Things I Want to Do in 2020
Explore Oxfordshire
I’m a firm believer that you don’t have to far to be a traveller, explore your own backyard, take a walk or hop on a bus and see where you can go within a few miles of your own home. For me, exploring Oxfordshire is an ongoing project that I plan on working on for a long time to come.
Visit 5 Brand New Cities
I love a city break and so it seemed obvious that I would want to take more over the course of 2020. I’ve therefore randomly decided that I would like to visit five new cities for the first time, and I should point out that I am perfectly happy for them to be in the UK.
Visit 1 Brand New Country
Alongside cities I would also like to visit at least one new country a year. I still have no intention of leaping into the world of long-term travel, so seeing the world one trip at a time means that I choose to travel slower and more thoughtfully.
Take a Day Trip Every Month
This could help with the Exploring Oxfordshire aspect but a simple day trip is a great way of getting out of the house, making a plan, being spontaneous and exploring all in one go. I’ve haven’t done any travelling since November so I’m definitely looking forward to getting out there and finding some places to visit.
See More Sunrises
One of my favourite things to do when I travel is to get up early at least once and head out to watch the sun come up. There’s something really special about walking streets and finding a beautiful vantage point whilst everyone is still asleep, then starting the day with the sun.
Read 50 Books
Reading is one of my favourite things to do, I find it incredibly relaxing but it is also really easy to allow ourselves to become “too busy” to do the things that we enjoy. This why I’ve decided to make a conscious effort to read more and read better.

Travel By Train
It’s no secret that most people are rethinking the way they travel due to the environmental impact. If there is an alternative to flying then I will be doing my best to find it, especially for trips within Europe. So one of the things I want to do in 2020 is to take more train travel and travel slower with better views.
Write 100 Blog Posts
I wrote 82 posts in 2019 so I would love to hit the 100 mark. Writing more posts, writing better posts is the only way to get more people to read and that is what I’d love.
Take Another Photography Course
I attended a street photography workshop towards the end of December and it was fun and informative, but it made me want to keep focusing on my photography skills. One of the things I want to do in 2020 is to find a photography course that suits me.
Write More
I know that the only way to improve on something is to do it more often. Writing is definitely something I want to work on, not only in producing blog posts but I would also love to have some other work published.
Save More Money
I have been making a conscious effort to save money for a long time now, but one of the things I want to do in 2020 is see that number in my savings account go up.
Sort Out My Evening Routine
I’m sure that many other people have an irregular evening routine. I have a terrible habit of allowing myself to get distracted, whether it by TV, a magazine, or a quick check of my email, instead of going to bed and actually getting that much needed sleep.

Keep My Inbox Organised
I can’t be the only one who falls foul of a disorganised and overflowing email inbox. something I definitely want to get to grips with this year is keeping on top of that admin and clearing out that digital clutter.
Declutter More Often
I’ve been having a declutter and it’s actually taken me longer than I expected and I’m not finished yet. I’m planning to make more of an effort over the year to be tidier and more organised rather than leaving it all until the end of the year and then being overwhelmed.
Visit London More Often
I love visiting London and there are plenty of blog posts out there telling us what to do and where to go during our time there, but I would love to spend more time exploring the city for myself.
Take a Photo a Day
Like with writing, I want to photograph more in order to improve. Even if I don’t post these photos anywhere just the act of taking them will be enough.
Take a UK Food Tour
I love looking for a food tour when I go abroad but I have yet to do one in the UK. I am aware that there a number available, particularly focused around markets and specific culinary styles.
Spend Less Time on My Phone
Staring at a screen for long periods of time means that you’re not looking at what’s going on immediately in front of you. So one of the things I want to do in 2020 is to put my phone down more often and focus on the things I enjoy.

Spend More Time Outside
I’m practically a vampire when it comes to seeing sunlight. Especially in the Winter when I leave my house in the morning in the dark, spend my day working in an office and then go home in the dark in the evening.
Even in the lighter months I barely spend any time outside apart from my commutes, except when I’m actually travelling so I have decided to try and make a more active effort to step outside during the day and get some fresh air.
Earn Money From Blogging
I have no intention of turning blogging into my career but I would to start earning money from my blog. I’ve had small amounts come in here and there over the last two years but I would really like for this to be on a more regular basis.
What do you want to do in 2020?
Let me know in the comments.
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