The posts in this blog may include affiliate links. This means that when you decide to purchase anything through these links I get a small commission at NO extra cost to you.
I never started a blog with the hope of being an influencer, I’m happy when a single person comments on a post and says that they’ve enjoyed reading. My only aim when working on this blog is that it helps to inspire and encourage rather than influence somebody’s actions.
We’ve all seen those sponsored Instagram posts and blog posts where celebrities and other social media influencers have been called out for promoting unethical products and failing to disclose their deals with various brands.
The thing about a lot of influencers is that their sole aim is to be paid for promoting a product or service, especially the highly paid ones – they don’t care whether the product works, they probably haven’t even used it, they’ve just taken a nice photo and used the correct hashtags.
Why I Prefer to Inspire and Encourage Than Influence
I hope if you’re a regular reader that you know by now that I only ever really want to inspire and encourage people to travel, to see the world one small trip at a time, to understand that solo travel can have a beneficial effect on all of us both mentally and physically.
Are We All Influencers?
I personally hate the word. It reminds me of being at school and surrounded by shitty teenagers trying to convince each other to do stupid things and then getting into trouble afterwards.
The trouble is that we all have the potential to influence and be influenced by each other. We see someone wearing a nice new pair of shoes, or having returned from a lovely weekend break or bought a new piece of furniture.
It’s no surprise then that when the likes of the Kardashians or ex-Love Islanders show off their aspirational lives that their followers aren’t going to want to copy in some way.
This is why it is so important for everyone to think about the ethics of whatever they may be promoting to others, to consider what message they are sending. The issue with the internet is that often the audience is highly impressionable and therefore easily influenced.
This means that we all have responsibility to not promote products that could actually be unhealthy to others or encourage harmful behaviours such as weight-loss teas or elephant riding.
You Should Aim to Inspire and Encourage Rather Than Influence
Yes, I use affiliate links. Yes, I’ve promoted a few products and brands. However, I have only ever featured items and services that I have personally used and loved.
I eat meat and dairy so I could never suddenly start encouraging everyone to take part in Veganuary. I rarely drink so to start proclaiming the joys of Dry January would be pointless. I use a reusable water bottle but occasionally forget to drop a coffee cup in my bag when I suddenly decide to pop to the local coffee shop on my way to work.
The key is stay relatable and honest so that your readers know that they can trust you and whatever you may be promoting or advertising.
I am well aware that eating meat but refusing to use cruise ships may make me sound hypocritical but it isn’t realistic or sustainable for me to change everything about my lifestyle in order to be environmentally conscious.
I’m not saying that everyone needs to be 100% ethical at all times.
Whilst we can control our own ethics, we can’t control other people’s.
Whilst I definitely do not consider myself to be an influencer. I would love to think that anyone who has read my blog has, at some point been inspired or encouraged.
Remember, you’re not just an influencer you are also the audience being influenced, so make sure that the accounts you follow correspond with your beliefs.
If you follow any accounts that make you uncomfortable and question their ethics, then unfollow them.
If you find any accounts that you feel are raising awareness on issues that you believe in, them promote them, share their work.

How to Inspire and Encourage Rather Than Influence
Next time you are approached by a brand, or you decide to pitch to one yourself then ask yourself a few questions:
Do I genuinely want to use this product or service?
If the post wasn’t paid or gifted would I still consider using it?
Could this product cause harm to anyone?
Am I that desperate for followers that I’m willing to sell myself for things I don’t believe in?
How do you inspire and encourage rather than influence your audience?
Let me know in the comments.
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