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If there is one thing I’ve learnt in the last year or so, it’s the importance of finding your own travel style. We all want to travel in some form or other, but just as we all like different colours, food, clothes we all have the right to travel in our own individual ways.
We’re all encouraged to be individuals, to be brave, and to not follow the crowd. Yet there seems to be an overwhelming urge for some people to tell others that the way they travel is wrong, that they’re not going to the right places, spending the right amount of time and money, doing the right activities, or packing the right luggage.
5 Things to Know About My Travel Style
I’m Not Adventurous
I wrote about this in my travel confessions post. I have no interest in sports, or mad activities, instead I love walking, getting lost in a new destination, admiring the scenery from a spectacular viewpoint and ending the day with a drink in a cosy pub.
I’m Fussy About Accommodation
I always try to find accommodation that makes me say “WOW!” For me, this is found in places with character and personality – local and independent B&Bs, pubs, and former coaching inns – all of these excite me. I don’t get this same feeling from hostels or chain hotels so tend to avoid these as much as possible.
I Travel at My Own Pace
I find travel quite tiring and as I regularly suffer from travel sickness I don’t like to pack a lot of things into trips as it can be too exhausting. Therefore, even if I am only away for a weekend and I want to explore the area, I still want to come home feeling relaxed. A packed itinerary just doesn’t do it for me.
I Set My Own Budget
I been part of a number of conversations in person and online that have resulted in someone telling another person that they spent too much money on accommodation, or should have splashed out a bit more for an upgraded flight. The fact is we should all be able to spend whatever we want without feeling judged by others.
Finding Your Own Travel Style
Travel is about the experiences and how it makes you feel. If you want to spend two weeks lying on a beach then you can. If you want to walk the length of a country or jump out of an aeroplane then you can. You can spend as much or as little as you like. You can stay wherever you like, be it a five-star hotel or a cave.
The answer is simple: don’t be influenced by others. Be inspired, but don’t let anyone else tell you how you should see the world. Decide what is important to you, keep focused and enjoy.
Find your own travel style.
Happy travels.
What is your travel style?
Let me know in the comments.
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How relatable this blog. It is true that we all have our own style of travel and the best thing is to cherish it and enjoy our time while travelling
Thanks for your comment. I definitely agree with the aspect of cherishing and enjoying.
This is SUCH an important topic that isn’t discussed nearly enough! It’s PERFECTLY fine to do your own thing regardless if it isn’t mainstream, popular, etc. Love this!
Thank you for your comment. Glad you agree. It’s definitely something I think is important and we should all encourage each other do to.
Great post! This is so true! Just like the tourist vs backpacker debate. Everyone should find there own style. On my blog, we are 3 sisters who write together and each of us have very different travel styles! I like adventure to a point! Not so much jumping out of planes or anything like this but glacier hiking, snorkelling with sharks and camping out in deserts. I travel on a budget but splash out on experiences that I’ll remember for life and I tend to pack in as much as I can to a trip. In comparison, my younger sister mainly goes on holidays to find beautiful places to sit and read. She tends not to splurge so much and while she still does a lot on her trips there’s also a lot of relaxing time!
Ooh! I love the idea of sisters sharing a blog but with different ideas and styles. Proving that even flesh and blood can have different styles. Amazing.