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Working from home was once the dream experience reserved for writer, artists and small business owners. Nowadays it is becoming the norm as more and more people work from home at least once a week. Particularly noticeable as we deal with the lockdown caused by the Coronavirus, it has been apparent that the need to work in the office is significantly less than many people and businesses realised. However, even with the best space and technology, knowing how to stay focused when working from home can be the aspect that most people struggle with.
For many people working from home is where they are most productive and focused. They can also save money and time by not having to work in an office surrounded by many other people. However, for those who aren’t used to working from home this new situation can be strange and difficult to navigate, this is why making an effort to keep your productivity on track is so important.
How to Stay Focused When Working From Home
Create a Designated Workspace
If you are used to sitting at your desk for 7 hours day then moving your work space into your home may not sound like a huge issue, however when you work from home it is easy for the line between work and personal life to blur. You can quickly do some laundry between checking emails, you can play with the cat (or any other pet you may have) before taking that Skype call, and you may even decide to wear your pyjamas for a whole day, but it can become way too easy to allow your home life to distract you from all the work you have planned.
This is why creating a proper workspace is so important. Find a spot in your home, and design a comfortable, well-lit, organised workspace. By keeping work separate from your home life you should be able to stay focused when working from home and then enjoy your sofa for unwinding later in the evening.
Remove Obvious Distractions
Without the usual colleagues and Manager around it can be really easy to get distracted. To help you stay focused when working from home try to remove these distractions.
If you work better in a quiet environment but your house is full of noise then try some noise-cancelling headphones. If you like a bit of background noise but don’t want your favourite song or the new headlines grabbing your attention, try switching the radio station to playing classical music or put on a relaxing podcast.
If other people are in your home whilst your working, make it clear to them that you are busy and can’t be disturbed for the next hour.
Notifications tend to be the biggest distraction for me so I’ve taken to turning my phone to silent and then putting it in a drawer so I’m not tempted to keep looking at it every time it buzzes.
Use Tools That Work For You
If you work best following a hand written to-do list, then use it. If you’re more productive following a digital calendar with alerts then use that. Find what works for you.
Prepare Ahead
If you’re not used to working from home you might find it takes a little adjustment. The easiest way to do this is to be prepared.
Spend thirty minutes on a Sunday evening just writing all the main tasks to have for the following week. I personally like to have a small to-do list for each day, it doesn’t have to be huge, and it doesn’t have to list absolutely everything, it’s just to get you started and remind you of anything you may have forgotten.
Establish a Routine
If like me you have a routine for your normal working day at the office, then stick you it. If you suddenly find yourself working from home (because of a global pandemic) then you may be tempted to have a lie-in and not switch your laptop on until lunchtime. You’ll soon find the novelty of doing what you want when you want will soon wear off as you find being productive and trying to stay focused when working from home harder and harder.
If you have to get up super early because you normally have a long commute then allow yourself a small lie-in (no more than one hour), have a shower, get dressed, have breakfast, but then sit at your desk at the same time you normally would. If you usually start the day with a coffee and checking your emails, then do the same, if you usually have a weekly staff meeting then try to arrange the same using whatever technology you have available.
Another thing to remember are breaks and lunch, take them at the time you normally would, set an alarm if you have to, but take that time to step away from your desk, enjoy some food and drink and maybe even some fresh air before starting work again…and don’t forget to finish and switch off the laptop at the time you usually would.
What tips do you have to stay focused when working from home?
Let me know in the comments.