The posts in this blog may include affiliate links. This means that when you decide to purchase anything through these links I get a small commission at NO extra cost to you.
The blogosphere is a real community, and even though it is normal to feel a sense of comparison alongside seemingly more successful bloggers it is actually really nice to be part of something creative. If you want support by people reading and sharing your work, one of the easiest ways for this to happen is to read, share and support your favourite bloggers in turn. Reciprocation is key.
How to Support Your Favourite Bloggers
Read Their Content
If you’ve read a blog post and enjoyed it, found it informative and inspiring then you’ll probably be tempted to read more. It’s why we keep writing, in the hopes that readers will return again and again. The more a person reads the better for their statistics and the more visible the site will appear on Google.
Leave Comments
If you’ve enjoyed that blog post and found it inspiring, maybe you’ve even bought the product they’ve mentioned – if so then tell them. Leave a comment telling them that you’ve enjoyed their content. It might encourage others to do the same.
Share Their Work
Regardless of how large (or small) your social media is if you share another blogger’s content they appreciate it.
Follow or Subscribe
Their are a number of different ways that you can follow bloggers and be updated on their content. One of my favourites is via the Bloglovin app. You can follow bloggers and their latest posts will show up in chronological order, it saves your inbox being clogged up with email updates.
If you’re particular fond of specific bloggers then sign up to their newsletters and get all sorts of additional content, updates, and resources.
Use Affiliate Links
Most bloggers who promote or advertise products and services will use affiliate links to do so. These are simple pieces of code embedded into the site that allows the blogger to earn a little income at no extra cost to the reader who has bought the item. Remember, every little helps.
Meet Other Bloggers
Attend blogger events and meet some of the people you’ve been interacting with. It’s lovely to be able to actually put names to faces and speak to people in person. Even the most introverted blogger will find themselves enjoying the social aspect that comes with blogging.
How else do you support your favourite bloggers and creative?
Let me know in the comments.
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