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It’s taken me a really long time to identify that self care isn’t just a load of hippy woo rubbish. I used to think that a lot of it was pointless common sense – if you’re tired then sleep, if you’re stressed about your schedule then make an effort to do less, if you’re ill then take a sick day and get some rest. Of course life just isn’t this easy
Life is busy and hectic, we all have to fit in work, friends, family, hobbies, our health, it can make things stressful and exhaustive, both physically and mentally. In order to practice self care it is important to remove yourself from the environment and situation that is causing the stress and anxiety. Even asking to be left alone and stepping into a quiet room for half an hour can alleviate some of the tension and burden.
16 Ideas for Self Care
I’m definitely not an expert at self care, in fact I often find that I only recognise that I need to take some time for myself when I am starting to feel drained and under the weather. This is why I’ve started putting together ideas for self care so that I can avoid getting to that stage in the first place.

Do some journaling
Enjoy a digital detox
Get up and watch a sunrise
Go away for the weekend
Have a nice hot bath (with lots of bubbles)
Have an early night
Hug your pet
Look through some old photos
Make a to do list
Make yourself a really nice mug of coffee (or tea)
Reread your favourite book
Say no when you need to
Take a walk and get some fresh air
Take some deep breaths
Treat yourself to a pamper session
Wear your comfiest jumper
What are your ideas for self care?
Let me know in the comments.
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