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Many people believe the key to a happy life is changing who you are. Shy people are advised to come out of their shells, people afraid of heights are encouraged to throw themselves out of aeroplanes and everyone is told that they should be stepping out of their comfort zone. However, I can’t help but wonder what if happiness comes from simply being ourselves?
Disclaimer: I wholeheartedly disagree with all of the quotes included in this post.
It’s OK to Stay in Your Comfort Zone
“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Neale Donald Walsch
Life is full of surprises, good and bad. It’s unpredictable and full of events beyond our control. This means that every day we have to contend with people and events that take us out of our comfort zone, so why would we choose to change things even more?
We’re constantly being told that we should set ourselves wildly ambitious goals to inspire ourselves to do and be better. But some of us aren’t wired that way, if you’ve read enough of the posts on this blog you’ll know that I’m definitely not. I prefer to take small steps and to play things a little safer.
I’m an introvert. I think about everything. A lot. I’m not spontaneous and I don’t dive head-first into things. I prefer to set concrete, attainable goals that I know I can accomplish. I like to have a to-do list so I can tick things off as and when they are completed. I like to have goals, but for them to be realistic and achievable.
“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” Anonymous
Instead of trying to be like someone else, why not appreciate your own qualities. if you’re an introvert, don’t assume life will be better if you transform into an extrovert. Trying to change your true nature can actually have a detrimental effect.
It’s ok to be you.
Read: When You Feel Like a Failure
Learn what works for you.
You have nothing to prove.

Why I Love My Comfort Zone
“Before anything great is really achieved, your comfort zone must be disturbed.” – Ray Lewis
It’s taken me many years to build my comfort zone. To learn who I am, what I like and don’t like and that I don’t need other people’s approval to do the things I love.
With regards to travel, it is often thought to be the ultimate way of stepping out of your comfort zone but I personally find it to be the opposite. Yes, I go to new places, walk strange streets and eat unfamiliar food, but I do it all on my own terms. I go where I want. I stay in hotels that make me happy. I do things that I know I will enjoy.
Travel is exciting and sometimes even a little scary but I do it because I want to experience something different before returning to my daily routines.
Read: Finding Your Own Travel Style
Some people might think that staying in your comfort zone makes you boring. I think it has helped me to learn about myself and to have the confidence to live my life how I want to.
If that makes me boring, I’m ok with it.
Do you stay in your comfort zone or step out as often as possible?
Let me know in the comments.
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