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Even before the global pandemic people were thinking about how they could change their travel habits and do so in a more environmentally friendly manner. As I start to think about how and where I might want to travel next year, I also want to consider how I could start travelling more sustainably and responsibly.
Quick Tips for Travelling More Sustainably
Pack Light
The less you pack, the less of an impact you’ll be having. You’ll probably be more likely to use public transport if you’re carrying a light bag rather than lugging a huge suitcase and needing to book a taxi. The lighter your luggage the less the plane will weigh, which ultimately means less fuel and carbon emissions.
By packing less and reducing your amount of luggage you will be travelling more sustainably and reducing your carbon footprint.
Leave No Trace
The notion of “Leave No Trace” is simple. When you go anywhere, whether it’s a park, woodland, beach, whether you’re hiking, picnicking or any other activity, you should leave that particular area in exactly the same way as you found it. Pick up all of your litter and either use the bins provided or take the litter with you, do not build fires, or have barbeques in woodlands or fields.
Travel Slower
Regardless of where you’re going you should think about how you’re going to reach your destination. It may take longer but instead of catching a flight take the train, instead of a taxi catch a bus, instead of driving think about walking.
I think it’s fair to say that we’ve all spent some time thinking about the environment and what our individual impact is, in which case we should all think about travelling more sustainably and reducing our carbon footprints. Almost every country in the world has some form of public transport so there really is no reason for creating even more pollution and traffic, plus you might even find that it saves you some money on your journey.
Avoid Single Use Plastic
You’ll find that different countries are approaching this issue in different ways, but one way you can help is by simply carrying a refillable water bottle and a reusable coffee cup. It may not seem like much but in reality every little helps.
Another way to reduce plastic waste whilst travelling is to avoid using travel-sized toiletries and buying additional items for individual trips. I you have specific shampoos and shower gels that you want to use then buy small reusable bottles and decant them from larger ones, or stop using them altogether and switch to shampoo bars and soaps.
How are you travelling more sustainably and responsibly?
Let me know in the comments.