If you plan on having a travel blog just to keep your family and friends updated on your travels then you can create a free wordpress.com blog in a matter of seconds.
If you want more people than just your friends and family to read your blog, or if your intention is to try and make money with your travel blog then this is what you need to do.
Here is your ultimate guide to starting a travel blog.

If you’ve decided to take the plunge and start a blog the most important decision you will make is what to name it.
The first thing you need to do is to make sure it doesn’t already exist. Google the name and see what results come up, if there are results that are too close I would recommend picking something different as it may make it difficult for people to find you. Then do the same on ALL social media channels and set up accounts. Even if you don’t intend to use them all it’s important that you have the name before anyone else.
Now you need to set up your website
Get Hosted
In order for people to see your website, you need to have it hosted on a server, which is provided by a web hosting company, such as Bluehost. Their hosting is incredibly good value for money, they also offer a 30 day money back guarantee and 24/7 support. One thing you need to be aware of is that they only offer annual plans for new sign ups. Once the account is ready to renew after one year then you can choose the option of the monthly payment basis.
Install WordPress
Bluehost offers easy one-click WordPress installation, which saves you from struggling through it or hiring someone to do it. On the cPanel (BlueHost’s home screen) you’ll see this button:
Click and it will take you through a simple installation process. When it asks you where you’d like to install it, choose your domain.
Once you install WordPress, it will tell you where to log in (usually ie. www.travelblog.com/wp-admin) and your name and password. From that page, you’ll be able to log in to your WordPress dashboard
You’ll be asked to pick a theme, WordPress has many free ones, so pick one to start with and then work from there.
Install a Theme
As I said before, WordPress has a large selection of free themes. However, if you want more control over how your blog looks then buying one is definitely recommended.
I purchased mine from pipdig.com and I love it.
Add Plugins
Essentially WordPress is a blank canvas with plugins acting as the add-ons that make your travel blog function. The vast majority are free although some premium plugins do charge.
This is the list of plugins that I use on my blog:
Advanced Excerpt
Akismet Anti Spam
Booking.com Official Search Box
FMTC Affiliate Disclosure
GCPR Cookie Consent
Google Analytics Dashboard for WP
Google XML Sitemaps
Instagram Feed
Interactive World Maps
Jetpack by WordPress
Pinterest Pin It Button On Image Hover
pipdig Power Pack
Reduce Bounce Rate
Social Media and Share Icons
Title and Nofollow for Links
WordPress Editorial Calendar
WP 404 Auto Redirect to Similar Post
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
Yoast SEO
Join Affiliate Programs
I would definitely recommend joining Amazon Associates for basically any product you want to recommend to your readers. If you want to write about accommodation then check out booking.com and maybe even hostelworld.com. If you plan on staying in more luxury accommodation you could try checking out the more specific hotel brands.
Another option (which I would definitely) recommend would be to sign up to skimlinks.com – they automatically turn every link you put on your site into an affiliate link. The monetary return can be lower than individual affiliate programs but it is much easier if you are new and want to understand how it works.
Create Three Very Important Pages
About Me – Tell your readers about you. I’ve never been particularly happy with mine so it’s definitely a work-in-progress. You can find mine here
Privacy Policy – Due to the new GDPR laws, this is imperative. You can find mine here
Working With Me – If you intend to make money from your blog you’re going to need to let brands know what you plan to offer them. You don’t need to have a full on business plan but it’s a good idea that you give them information on what content you are going to create.
Start Writing. Start Publishing.
Write. Write. Write.
You can’t have a blog if you don’t write anything. I’m not going to tell you how many times a week you should be publishing posts. I’m also not going to tell you how long each of your posts should be. All of this is completely up to you.
The only thing I will say, is that content is key. Producing consistent and frequent content will get you noticed by Google, and therefore readers, but that isn’t the important part. Quality is. Be the best writer you can be.
Good luck.
If you used my ultimate guide to starting a travel blog, let me know in the comments. I can’t wait to read your new travel blog.