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When I talk about solo travel I don’t necessarily mean that you have to sell all of your possessions, pack your life into a backpack and head off to the other side of the world for the next ten years. Solo travel can be simply taking a weekend trip alone and being comfortable and confident enough to not rely on other people to enjoy certain experiences. For some people this can be almost unimaginable but I hope that this post will convince you that everyone should travel solo.Â
I’m in my 30s and each time I book a trip, whether it’s for a weekend or longer, I’m always asked who I’m going with. This isn’t an issue in itself but the moment I mention that I’m travelling alone I always get the same reaction: a mixture of surprise, confusion and concern. The questions are also nearly always the same:
“Why don’t you go with someone?”
“Won’t you be bored or lonely?”
“Aren’t you worried, surely it’s not safe?”
“I wouldn’t go by myself.”
I generally don’t mind these questions although there does always seem to be an undercurrent of doubt in their voices, almost as though they think travelling solo is irresponsible and that nobody should consider going anywhere without a chaperone. Especially if you’re a woman. Women have always had to deal with the assumption that they shouldn’t even consider doing such things independently.
This is exactly why you should.

Why Everyone Should Travel Solo at Least Once in Their Lives:
Solo Travel Gives You Confidence
If you’re even remotely lacking self-confidence, it can have hugely detrimental effects on other aspects of your life. Without confidence in yourself and your own abilities you are likely to question other life decisions involving home and work. Solo travel will not only help you gain self confidence and teach you to rely on yourself and yourself alone.
You Can Break Out of Your Comfort Zone
Whether it’s sitting in a restaurant and having a meal alone, or getting on a plane and heading off to the other side of the world, the term comfort zone can mean very different things to different people. A solo traveller doesn’t need to rely on others for their opinion or validation.Â
You Will Gain Independence
While you’re travelling to the airport, catching the right plane, and making your way to your accommodation, you will subsequently learn to depend upon yourself. When you are forced to solely rely on yourself you will soon find that you’ll become more accomplished in making decisions for yourself.
You’ll Appreciate the Little Things
Depending on where and how you travel there may be opportunities where you will soon learn to appreciate the small things in life. Clean running water, a roof over your head, certain foods, even your home language. These are the few simple essentials, anything else is just a bonus to be thankful for.
It Will Give You Time to Heal
Whether it’s a breakup, a bereavement, a change in career or you’re simply looking to avoid suffering from burnout solo travel will help you put things into perspective and ultimately heal.
You’ll Learn From Your Mistakes
You may have booked a fab trip but failed to look around for the best deal and paid too much for flights, it’s ok you’ll know in future. You may have booked but failed to check the usual weather and spent the entire time taking cover during thunderstorms, it’s ok you’ll know in future. You may have been the victim of a pickpocket, or misread a map and gotten horribly lost or you may have taken a tumble off a scooter or lost your breakfast over the side of a boat. All of these things could happen, but don’t let them ruin your trip. Understand what happened and why and learn from these experiences. Â
Most Importantly…
You’ll Discover You
Travelling solo will not only raise your confidence and sense of independence, it will also teach you to enjoy your own company. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post solo travel doesn’t have to be about long-term travel, wherever you go and for whatever period of time you will soon learn that there are so many different people out there in the world. We are all different. Embrace your individualism.
Whatever your reason for travelling solo, whatever you do whilst you’re away, whoever you meet along the way, you will experience a change that is indescribable and ultimately irreversible.Â

Travelling solo could be the best decision you’ll ever make.
If you’re not already convinced that everyone should travel solo here are a few more reasons:
You can go wherever you want.
You can go whenever you want.
You can get up as early or as late as you want.
You can decide whether you walk, ride a bike, rent a car, take a train, jump on a bus, grab a taxi, hitch a ride on the back of a scooter or any other mode of transport that may be available.Â
You decide where you stay, be it a luxury hotel, budget hostel, boutique B&B, or even a tent. You could even opt for something a bit more quirky and individual like a windmill or a lighthouse.
It’s totally up to you.
You might learn that you hate solo travel – that’s ok.
The point is – you tried.
This is exactly why everyone should travel solo at least once in their lives.
Have you travelled solo? How would you describe your experiences?
If you haven’t, why not?
Let me know in the comments.
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