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It’s virtually impossible to make a plan at the moment, with nobody knowing how long this lockdown will last, when we can return to work, how the economy will fair and which businesses will still be running. I can understand that staying at home is incredibly difficult for many people but to see people posting on social media that they are already thinking about travel plans make me feel rather uncomfortable, which is why I have been thinking about my own post-pandemic plan and how I hope to recover after this strange period of time.
It’s 36 days since I left work and had to find a way to work from home, as someone who works in a Library it’s been incredibly difficult. It’s also been 155 since my last trip and as someone running a travel blog I’ve had almost nothing to write about for the last couple of months. I had tried to stay productive and continue to create content but to be honest it was beginning to drive me insane so I decided to take a short break and not post anything for a couple of weeks.
Why Having a Post-Pandemic Plan is Important
I don’t know about you, but not having plans is really difficult for me. I love having little reminders and notes in my calendar, events and trips to look forward to, whether it’s a meal with friends, a day out walking or a trip abroad. I love planning so despite having no clue as to how long this lockdown will last I still feel it’s important for me to have things to look forward to, even if they can’t be set it stone.
My Post-Pandemic Plan
Back at the start of the year I wrote about some of the things I wanted to do over the course of the year, but just four months later and it seems as though all of those plans are fading into a distant memory.
Explore Oxfordshire
With local businesses closed and government restrictions in place it means that visiting and exploring anywhere is impossible.
Supporting local small businesses is something that is important to me so I will definitely be looking at focusing my attention to these areas once it is possible.
Visit 5 Brand New Cities
Obviously this won’t happen now, but I do still want to try and fit in a weekend trip (and maybe some day trips) before the end of 2020.
Visit 1 Brand New Country
Regardless of how desperate some people are to get back to travelling as normal, I genuinely think we should take things slowly. A global pandemic is going to take more than a few months to disappear and I honestly believe we would be irresponsible to start jumping on the first flights available. I have therefore decided that I won’t be taking any foreign trips this year.
Take a Day Trip Every Month
We have no idea how the closure of non-essential businesses will have effected our local economy until things start reopening and people venturing out. This is why your small, local and independent businesses need you.
This is why my focus for the rest of 2020 will be on supporting those businesses closer to home.
See More Sunrises
Weirdly enough, when I’m not travelling I have no interest in getting up ridiculously early to watch the sun come up.
Read 50 Books
If there is one positive from having all this time at home, it’s that I’m finally getting to pick up some of the books I’ve been meaning to read.
Travel By Train
If I manage to take some UK day trips I would probably make an effort to travel by train.

Write 100 Blog Posts
This is number 53 of the year so far so it is possible.
Take Another Photography Course
Honestly, I could have probably been using this time to practice some photography skills but I really couldn’t get motivated and I haven’t had the mental or physical energy needed to spend time doing a course.
Write More
This is similar to why I haven’t done more photography. My mind and body seemed to be telling me to take a break, which is why I didn’t produce any content for a couple of weeks.
Save More Money
Another positive about not being out very much is that I’ve not been spending as much money as normal. Shopping and eating at home has meant that I’ve been doing more batch cooking and using leftovers much more than I usually do. I also haven’t been tempted by a cheeky takeaway on the way home as they haven’t been open.
Sort Out My Evening Routine
Due to not having a commute home at the moment I have been able to spend more time relaxing in the evening. My skin has really been suffering recently so I’ve been quite focused on cleansing and moisturising and this has been a lovely way to relax before getting into my pyjamas and enjoying a hot drink before bed.
This is definitely something that is going to take some concentration once we all get back into our normal working routines.
Keep My Inbox Organised
Not having as many emails as normal has meant that I’ve finally been able to unsubscribe to a lot of the mailing lists I’ve been ignoring for months.

Declutter More Often
With charity shops being closed I haven’t done any decluttering. I do have a pile of DVDs and CDs that I’ll get rid of once I get the chance though.
Visit London More Often
This will happen at some point.
Take a Photo a Day
Obviously this hasn’t happened at all.
Take a UK Food Tour
Maybe. At some point.
Spend Less Time on My Phone
Unfortunately, on occasion when boredom has set in I have been picking up my phone and spending more time than necessary scrolling through Instagram. Once we all get back into our normal working routines this will reduce as I don’t normally look at my phone during the day.
Spend More Time Outside
I wish.
Earn Money From Blogging
Is anyone right now?
What is your post-pandemic plan?
Let me know in the comments.